Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011

Catatan Buat Si Loreng

Kami merasa belum siap melangkah lebih jauh dengan seseorang,
sehingga cukuplah bagiku  mencintainya dalam diam …
kuharap diamku adalah salah satu bukti cintaku padanya …

Aku ingin memuliakannya, dengan tidak mengajaknya menjalin hubungan terlarang,
Aku tak mau merusak kesucian dan penjagaan hatinya..
karena diamku memuliakan kesucian diri dan hatiku..
menghindarkanku dari hal-hal yang akan merusak izzah dan iffahku ..

Diamku adalah bukti kesetiaanku padanya ..
karena mungkin saja orang yang ku cinta adalah juga orang yang telah ALLAH swt. pilihkan untukku …

Seperti kisah Fatimah dan ALi..

yang keduanya saling memendam apa yang mereka rasakan …
tapi pada akhirnya mereka dipertemukan dalam ikatan suci nan indah

karena dalam diamku tersimpan kekuatan …
kekuatan dan harapan …

Aku memohon kepada Allah agar membuat harapan itu menjadi nyata..
hingga cintaku yang diam dapat berbicara dalam kehidupan nyata …
karena aku yakin Allah tak akan pernah memutuskan harapan hamba yang berharap padaNya..

dan jika memang ‘cinta dalam diamku’ itu tak memiliki kesempatan untuk berbicara di dunia nyata,
biarkan ia tetap diam …

Jika dia memang bukan milikku, Allah yang Maha Adil, melalui sang waktu akan menghapus ‘cinta dalam diamku’ dengan memberi rasa yang lebih indah kepada orang yang lebih tepat …
biarkan ‘cinta dalam diamku’ itu menjadi memori tersendiri dan sudut hatiku menjadi rahasia antara aku dengan Sang Pemilik hatiku …

Jumat, 02 September 2011

7 Merk Laptop Paling Awet

Pernah berpikir Laptop apa yang paling awet? Pusing mengapa Laptop yang dibeli cepat rusak atau sangat awet. Mungkin Anda perlu menyimak hasil penelitian ini yang dilakukan oleh Square Trade jadi Anda bisa tahu salah satu alasan mengapa Laptop cepat rusak atau sangat awet. Bagi yang belum punya, bisa saja jadi pedoman dalam hal membeli Laptop. Berikut 7 MerkLaptop Yang Paling Awet, yaitu :

1. Asus 

Nama ASUS sepertinya cukup populer, baik dalam kalangan desktop maupun laptop. ASUS mendapat peringkat pertama karena dalam hasil uji coba, tingkat kerusakan dalam 2 tahun adalah dibawah 10%, sedangkan dalam 3 tahun adalah 15.6%. Walaupun ASUS berada di Peringkat 3 sebagai Top Vendor Dunia, namun tampaknya ASUS tidak akan kalah dalam hal kualitas daya tahan. Produk ASUS sendiri yang paling terkenal adalah ROG (Republic of Gamers) sebagai salah satu prasyarat Gaming Computer. 

2. Toshiba 

Toshiba tentunya sangat populer dengan tingkat keawetannya, dan juga harganya. Banyak yang beranggapan harga Toshiba sesuai dengan kualitasnya. Toshiba berada di peringkat kedua dengan persentase dibawah 10% dalam 2 tahun, dan 15.7% dalam 3 tahun. Perbedaan tipis dengan ASUS sebesar 0.01% tampaknya memang sudah membuktikan kalau Toshiba memang dirancang untuk tahan lama.

3. Sony 

SONY cukup terkenal dengan salah satu produk laptopnya, yaitu VAIO. SONY menempati urutan ketiga dalam persentase tingkat kerusakan laptop. Dalam uji coba 2 tahun, SONY mendapatkan persentase diatas 10%, sedangkan dalam 3 tahun, persentasenya naik menjadi 16.8%. Walaupun tidak terpaut tipis dari ASUS dan Toshiba, SONY bisa dikatakan salah satu laptop terawet yang pernah ada

4. Apple 

Apple terkenal dengan sistem operasinya sendiri, yaitu Macintosh, serta merk laptopnya sendiri. Uji coba yang dilakukan pada merk ini menghasilkan persentase diatas 10% pada 2 tahun dan 17.4% dalam jangka waktu 3 tahun. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa Laptop Applemasih dapat dikatakan awet bagi penggunaan sistem operasi selain Windows.

5. Dell 

DELL sepertinya lebih terkenal dengan salah satu produk gaming-nya, yaitu Alienware, suatu laptop yang benar-benar menawarkan performa gaming layaknya barang yang berasal dari luar bumi. Tinkat kerusakan DELL dalam 2 tahun adalah diatas 10%, sedangkan dalam 3 tahun, sudah mencapai 18.3%. Sepertinya, inilah Laptop yang paling menengah dalam tingkat kerusakannya.

6. Lenovo 

Nama besar IBM masih saja membayangi produk ini. IBM yang sudah berubah menjadi Lenovo tentu saja harus menyamakan kualitasnya dengan produk terdahulunya. Walaupun begitu, persentase kerusakan 2 tahun sebesar sekitar 12.5% dan persentase 3 tahun sebesar 21.5% agaknya menjadikan Lenovo kurang begitu meyakinkan.

7. Acer 

ACER merupakan laptop yang setidaknya paling umum digunakan dalam kalangan konsumen. Selain harganya yang relatif murah, ACER juga menawarkan perangkat yang lengkap. Namun sayangnya, ACER tidak terlalu bagus dalam hal awet karena persentase kerusakannya adalah hampir 15% dalam jangka waktu 2 tahun saja. Sementara itu, persentasenya akan meningkat menjadi 23.3% dalam waktu 3 tahun. Walaupun begitu, ACER mendapat gelar peringkat ke-2 dalam Top Vendor Dunia.


Kamis, 16 Juni 2011


Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet 01Penggunaan internet saat ini memang sudah dapat dinikmati oleh banyak orang namun pada daerah-daerah tertentu akses internet seringkali dirasakan sangat lambat apalagi untuk daerah yang belum menggunakan akses internet broadband yang berbasis teknologi Asymetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), yang dapat memberikan paket layanan dari modem sampai BRAS (Broadband Remote Access Server)yang banyak disediakan oleh provider internet.
Bagi anda yang sering mengalami gangguan akses anda dapat mengunakan cara mempercepat koneksi Internet dengan tips trik sederhana berikut ini :
A. Menggubah setting bandwith Pada windows
Secara default OS windows membatasi bandwidth untuk koneksi internet sebanyak 20% dari total bandwidth, anda dapat memaksimalkan jatah bandwith untuk PC atau laptop yang anda gunakan agar akses internet anda dapat maksimal dengan tips sederhana ini :
1. Klik Tombol Start pada windows
2. Klik Run dan Ketik gpedit.msc dan klik OK
3. Pilih Administrative Templates dan Klik Network
4. Setelah terbuka klik QoS Packet scheduler
5. Pilih Limit Reservable Bandwidth dan ubah setting menjadi Enable
6. Ubah Bandwidth Limitnya menjadi 0 Klik Apply > OK
7. keluar dan Restart komputer
Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Internet
B. Setting DNS menggunakan OpenDNS.
1. Buka Control Panel
2. Pilih icon Network Connection
3. Klik Kanan Local Area Connection pilih Properties atau Wireless Network Connection jika anda menggunakan wireless untuk koneksi
4. Pilih Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) kemudian Klik Properties
5. Klik Use Following DNS Server
6. Isi Preferred DNS Server dengan angka :
7. Isi Alternate DNS Server dengan angka :
8. Kemudian Klik OK
Cara mempercepat koneksi internet-02
C. Mengatur Buffer pada windows :
1. Klik tombol Start dan pilih Menu “Run”
2. Ketik “system.ini”
3. Setelah Terbuka tambahkan dibawah baris terakhir
page buffer=100000kbps load=100000kbps download=100000kbps save=100000kbps back=100000kbps
5. Hasilnya akan tampak seperti berikut ini.
; for 16-bit app support
page buffer=100000kbps load=100000kbps download=100000kbps save=100000kbps back=100000kbps
6. Save dan exit lalu resstart komputer anda

Trik Windows XP | Cara Mempercepat Kinerja Komputer

Ada beberapa cara untuk mempercepat kinerja  komputer  yang menggunakan windows XP, Agar perfomance PC bisa lebih maksimal  anda dapat mencoba tips dan trik berikut ini :
  1. Sebelum anda memulai tweaking (hm..utak-atik) sebaiknya anda backup dulu registry dengan memilih menu start>run>lalu ketikkan regedit setelah antar muka registrynya muncul pilih menu file >export dan beri nama ffile dengan nama backup.reg dan klik OK
  2. Agar lebih aman lagi jika terjadi kesalahan maka disarankan untuk memback-up semua data-data yang penting Klik Start, Run, ketik CMD – Pada prompt ketikkan : CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS lalu tekan tombol ENTER lalu tunggulah untuk sementara waktu hingga proses back-up selesaipilih menu start>Run dan ketikkan msconfig dan pada tab service uncheck service window yang tidak diperlukan
  3. Non aktifkan / disable Service Windows yg tidak butuhkan
  • * Alerter
    * Clipbook
    * Computer Browser
    * Distributed Link Tracking Client
    * Fast User Switching
    * Help and Support
    * Human Interface Access Devices
    * Indexing Service
    * IPSEC Services
    * Messenger
    * Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
    * Portable Media Serial Number
    * Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
    * Remote Procedure Call Locator
    * Remote Registry
    * Remote Registry Service
    * Secondary Logon
    * Routing & Remote Access
    * Server
    * Telnet
    * TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper
    * Upload Manager
    * Universal Plug and Play Device Host
    * Wireless Zero Configuration -(Jangan didisable jika anda mengunakan Wireless)
    * Workstation

Tips Mempercepat Booting Windows XP

Windows XP memilik  kemampuan menjalankan defrag saat proses booting.  pada dasrnya Boot Defrag melakukan proses menata file-ile yg berhubungan dengan file-file dibutuhkan saat booting booting dengan mengindeks file secara berurutan. Secara default fitur defrag ini telah pada OS Windows, tapi tapi anda bisa memastikan jika fitur defrag ini telah aktif di komputer anda dengan cara dibawah ini
  • Start Menu>Run
  • Ketik regedit
  • Pilih HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction
  • Cari Enable dibagian kanan regedit
  • Klik Modify dan  Pilih Y to enable
  • Klik kanan > pilih modify dan ubah value menjadi angka 1000 lalu klik OK

Trik Mempercepat Loading Windows Menu

Untuk mempercepat proses saat loading windows berlangsung ikuti langkah-langkah dibawah ini :
  • Start Menu>Run
  • Ketik Regedit> lalu tekan enter
  • Masuk ke  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\
  • Pilih MenuShowDelay
  • Klik kanan dan pilih “Modify’ ganti value dengan angka 100

Cara memaksimalkan Shutdown Windows XP

  • Start Menu>Run
  • Ketik Regedit> lalu tekan entermn
  • Masuk ke  HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\
  • Pilih WaitToKillAppTimeout
  • Klik kanan dan pilih modify dan ubah value menjadi angka 1000 lalu klik OK
  • Pilih HungAppTimeout lalu klik kanan > pilih modify dan ubah value menjadi 1000 lalu klik OK
  • Masuk ke HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop’
  • Pilih WaitToKillAppTimeout
  • Klik kanan > pilih modify dan ubah value menjadi 1000  lalu klik OK
  • Masuk keHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\
  • Pilih WaitToKillServiceTimeout
  • Klik kanan > pilih modify dan ubah value menjadi 1000  lalu klik OK

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i Patch 5 Multilingual Retail


McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i Patch 5 Multilingual Retail, Enterprise protects your desktop and file servers from a wide range of threats, including viruses, worms, Trojan horses, and potentially unwanted code and programs. McAfee® VirusScan® 8 takes anti-virus protection to the next level, integrating elements of intrusion prevention and firewall technology into a single solution for PCs and file servers. This powerful combination delivers truly proactive protection from the newest of today’s threats-including buffer – overflow exploits and blended attacks – and features advanced outbreak management responses to reduce the damage and costs of outbreaks. Everything is managed by McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator® or ProtectionPilot™ for scalable security policy compliance and graphical reporting.

Key benefits:
- Integrated firewall and IPS technology – Addition of firewall and intrusion prevention technology delivers maximum proactive protection in a single, integrated package
- Enhanced coverage for emerging threats – VirusScan provides protection from the newest potentially unwanted program security threats (e.g., spyware), application-specific buffer overflow attacks, and blended attacks
- Lowered TCO during outbreak response – Advanced outbreak functionality closes the window of vulnerability before DAT files are available, limiting damage by blocking the entrance and spread of the outbreak
- McAfee scanning technology – Award-winning McAfee scan engine performs in-memory scanning to block threats such as Netsky and CodeRed, which don’t write their code to disk
- Centralized management and reporting – Integration with McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator and ProtectionPilot provides a complete security management solution, including detailed graphical reporting, from a single console

- Comprehensive McAfee anti-virus protection
- Potentially unwanted program security
- Buffer overflow prevention (IPS feature)
- Complete outbreak response
- Port blocking/lockdown (firewall feature)
- Application monitoring: email engines (firewall feature)
- File blocking, directory lockdown, folder/share blocking (IPS feature)

New features in v8.7i:
New and updated features in the current release of the software:
- Support for Microsoft Windows Server 2008
- Architectural changes:
● Better rootkit detection and cleaning without system restart — Safe memory patching, better IRP repair support at the system core, and the ability to read locked files at the kernal level provide better rootkit detection and the ability to clean detections without restarting the system.
● On-access scan performance improvements during system startup — A new boot cache process improves on-access scan performance during system startup.
● Greater self-protection — The self-protection feature has been enhanced to protect against a wider range of mal-processes that can terminate McAfee processes. This provides greater VirusScan Enterprise self-protection and product stability.
- Real-time malware protection:
● This feature uses sensitivity levels that can be configured, based on your risk tolerance, to look for suspicious files on your endpoints that are running VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i.
● When enabled, this feature detects a suspicious program and sends a DNS request containing a fingerprint of the suspicious file to McAfee Avert Labs, which then communicates the appropriate action back to VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i.
● The real-time defense feature also provides protection for classes of malware for which signatures might not be available.
● This protection is in addition to the world-class DAT-based detection VirusScan Enterprise has always provided. The user experience remains the same and no additional client software is required.
● In this release, this feature is available only for on-demand scans and email scanning and is disabled by default. You must select a sensitivity level to enable the feature.
- Performance improvements:
● New scan deferral options improve local control of on-demand scans, including the ability to defer scans when using battery power or during presentations. One option can be configured to allow end users to defer scheduled on-demand scans for the increment of time you specify. You can specify hourly increments up to twenty-four hours, or forever.
● Enhanced system throttling now includes registry and memory scanning in addition to file scanning.
- Improved email scanner
- Buffer overflow protection exclusions by API
- On-access scanner — Scan processes on enable
- On-demand scan usability improvements:
● Clean — Report and clean the detection.
● Continue — Report the detection and continue scanning.

Download McAfee VirusScan Enterprise 8.7i Patch 5 Multilingual Retail :
| FileServe | Easy-Share | Megaupload |

Avast Antivirus v6.0.1125 Pro Final Incl Crack

avast! antivirus software provides complete virus protection for your computer. Antivirus engine is complemented by anti-spyware, firewall and antispam modules to protect you against phishing schemes, identity theft and internet-distributed web viruses. Automatic updates for greater user convenience and safety. Top user ratings among free antivirus software. The new avast! Free Antivirus includes a spyware detection engine. To protect you from identity theft as well as viruses.

avast! Pro Antivirus – better protection during web surfing. Full-featured antivirus software. Better than our free antivirus, especially for web surfing, but without the firewall and antispam included in avast! Internet Security. Also if you wish to customize your security, this is the recommended software.

• Continuous protection against viruses and spyware
• Ensures all mails sent and received are clean
• Keeps you protected from “chat” infections
• Stops attacks from hijacked websites
• Lets you safely browse suspicious websites or run unknown applications
• Allows safe and uninterrupted gaming
• Compatible with Windows XP, Vista and 7
• New user interface
Key technologies:
• Improved Antivirus and anti-spyware engine
• New avast! Intelligent Scanner
• New Silent/Gaming Mode
• New Behavior Shield
• New avast! Sandbox
• Smart virus updates
• Real time anti-rootkit protection
• avast! Community IQ
• Behavioral Honeypots
• Green computing
• avast! iTrack
• File System / Mail Shield
• Web Shield
• IM / P2P Shield
• Network Shield
• Script Shield
Works on M*crosoft Windows 2000, M*crosoft Windows XP/Vista/7 (32/64 bit).
Changes in Version 6.0.1091:
- solved a compatibility problem with ZoneAlarm (WinXP)
- added WebRep Chrome extension
- improved installation of the WebRep plugins (especially Firefox)
- various fixes and improvements in the avast sandbox
- setup programs now smaller by ~20%
- Community features and the Welcome screen can now be turned on/off directly from program settings
- solved a compatibility problem with Outpost firewall
- solved a bug related to the AutoSandbox offer (WinXP)
- gadget can now be removed by simply closing it
- solved a compatibility problem with GameGuard and sXe
- SafeZone improvements
- improved sandbox logging
- SafeZone is now a standalone setup package (can be installed/uninstalled separately)
- improvements in password processing
- improvements in the program uninstaller
- solved a memory leak in the avast gadget
- fixes in the File System Shield transient cache
- various stability/compatibility improvements

1.copy ashBase.dll to C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast
2.Open avast! Antivirus Pro main window, click Maintenance, Subscription, and click Activate Trial

Avast Antivirus v6.0.1125 Pro Final Incl Crack

Download : | FileSonic | Easy-Share | DepositFiles |

Any Video Converter Free 3.2.3

Any Video Converter is an All-in-One video converting tool with easy-to-use graphical interface, fast converting speed and excellent video quality. It allows you to effortlessly convert video files between every format! It can convert almost all video formats including DivX, XviD, MOV, rm, rmvb, MPEG, VOB, DVD, WMV, AVI to MPEG-4 movie format for iPod/PSP or other portable video device, MP4 player or smart phone. It also supports any user defined video file formats as the output. Any Video Converter makes it easy for anyone to enjoy any format video with your iPod, PSP, mobile phone or MP4 player. 
Licence: Freeware.

Auslogics Disk Defrag

Disk fragmentation leads to system slowdowns, PC crashes, slow startup and shutdown and sometimes to system failures. Auslogics Disk Defrag is designed for fast optimization of today's modern hard disks. Get the maximum performance out of your expensive hardware investments. It works on Windows XP/2000/2003 and Vista.  

License: Freeware.
Auslogics Disk Defrag
Download: Auslogics Disk Defrag (1.53 MB)

Multi Virus Cleaner 2011 11.5.2

Multi Virus Cleaner is a free, stand-alone utility used to detect and remove major viruses. It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, but rather a tool to assist administrators and users when cleaning infected systems.
Multi Virus Cleaner is regularly updated and can detect over 6,000 common viruses, worms, trojans and dialers (including all variants of the Sober, MyDoom and Bagle viruses).

The program boasts a fast, user-friendly scanner that requires minimal processing power and is an excellent choice for repairing a compromised system.  

Licence: Freeware.
Multi Virus Cleaner 2011 11.5.2
Download: Multi Virus Cleaner 2011 11.5.2 (1.83 MB)

Windows 7 Codec Pack 3.1.0

The Windows 7 Codec Pack is a simple to install package of audio and video codecs / filters / splitters used for playing back music and movie files. After installation you will be able to play 99.9% of files on the internet.

Also included in the package are a number of encoder codec's, allowing you to encode files in formats such as DivX. XviD, x264 and many more in your favourite encoding application.  

Licence: Freeware.
Windows 7 Codec Pack 3.1.0
Download: Windows 7 Codec Pack 3.1.0 (14.4 MB)

Adobe Flash Player Final

Adobe Flash Player is the high-performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones, and devices. Adobe® (formerly Macromedia) Flash Player – the universal rich client for delivering effective Adobe Flash experiences across desktops and devices. Lets you view the best animation and entertainment on the Web. It displays Web application front-ends, high-impact Web site user interfaces, interactive online advertising, and short-form to long-form animation.

Adobe’s Flash Player allows you to view interactive web content like games, business presentations, advertisements. The package includes only the Flash Player and is a stand alone installation. Technically, this is a Flash Player ActiveX Control. It will only play the file through your Web browser.

Installed on over 700 million Internet-connected desktops and mobile devices, Flash Player enables organizations and individuals to build and deliver great digital experiences to their end users. Flash is the world’s most pervasive software platform, reaching 97% of Internet-enabled desktops worldwide, as well as many popular devices. Since it is free of the design restrictions of more traditional Web display options, you can use it to clearly and exactly express your brand and company identity.

Download Adobe Flash Player Final
Download Adobe Flash Player for (Internet Explorer & AOL)
Download Adobe Flash Player for (Firefox, Netscape, Safari & Opera)
Download Adobe Flash Player for Linux
Download Adobe Flash Player for MacOS

Super Mp3 Download v4.6.8.6 Incl Keygen and Patch

Super MP3 Download is easy to use application created to help you search and download over 100 million MP3 files.

You can try the searched results to decide which one to download. Super MP3 download always brings you the hottest songs in the world; it recommends you the Billboard Hot 100 every week and lists the hottest songs of 14 categories, from electrical to religious, mainstream to indie, hip-hop to classical, etc. Besides, you can do advanced search by artist, title, album, and edition. You can even choose specific edition of live, piano, guitar or cover etc. to search.

Here are some key features of “Super MP3 Download”:
· Over 100 Million MP3 songs
· Super MP3 Download is free to use. You can search and download over 100 million MP3 from the largest download network fast
· Bring You The Hottest Songs
· Super MP3 download always brings you the hottest songs in the world. We recommend you the Billboard Hot 100 every week and list the hottest songs of every category, from electrical to religious, mainstream to indie, hip-hop to classical.
· Unlimited Listen To Music Online
· You can unlimited listen to over 100 million songs online
· You can try the searched results to decide which one to download.
· Advanced Search
· Super MP3 download can search songs by title, artist, album, and edition. You can even search the live, piano, guitar or cover editions of your favorite songs

Super Mp3 Download v4.6.8.6 Incl Keygen and Patch :
1-Unpack and install.
2-Patch the program using the included patch.
3-Use the key generator to generate a valid serial and unlock code.
4-Block internet, enter serial, choose manual activation
5-then enter unlock code.

Download : | FileSonic | Easy-Share | DepositFiles |

Startup Delayer 3.0 Build 294

Do you have a ton of programs that start automatically each time Windows starts? Surely you are not using all of them right away, so there is no sense waiting for all of them to load and to star at the hourglass. Startup Delayer allows you to specify which programs to start first and which ones to delay. You can set a custom delay for each one, even drag the visual display graph which shows you exactly how your programs are starting and allows you to easily modify the order or adjust delay times.  
Licence: Freeware.


CDBurnerXP is an easy to use CD burning software, that can write CD-R and CD-RW discs. The program can also write disks directly from an ISO image file, and save image as an ISO image file (*.iso). You can create data and audio CDs, however it currently only supports WAV files for audio. It does however support Burn-Proof technology, multi-session disks, import of ISO images and more. In addition to CD burning, you can also rip audio CDs, normalize WAV files, encode MP3 files, erase disks, . CDBurnerXP does not require ASPI when used under for NT/2000/XP.  

Licence: Freeware.
Download: CDBurnerXP (3.05 MB)
Download: CDBurnerXP Portable (5.19 MB)

Active Boot Disk Suite v5.3.3 Incl Serial

Active@ Boot Disk (Win Edition) is a bootable CD/DVD/USB disk that allows you to boot up your computer and fix most startup and PC configuration problems. Active@ Boot Disk based on lightweight Windows VISTA (WinPE 2.1) operation environment and contains disk image, data recovery, partition management, password resetting, data erasure, network access tools and system utilities. Active@ Boot Disk is a bootable CD that gives you a lightweight Windows VISTA (WinPE 2.1) environment with disk image, data recovery, password resetting, data erasure and network access tools. The WinPE 2.1 Operating System runs entirely from Random Access Memory (RAM), enabling you to insert a second CD that contains drivers or software or can be used for CD/DVD burning.

By using the Active@ Disk Image™ tool of Active Boot Disk you can create and restore two different types of disk images:

1. Backup Disk Image
A Backup Disk Image contains the exact copy of a computer hard disks, including all user’s data, operating systems, and programs. A Backup Disk Image contains used disk space only and may be compressed, password protected, and split into chunks.
2. Raw Disk Image
A Raw Disk Image is an identical copy of every sector from the selected physical hard disk or logical partition including used and unused disk space. It is helpful for future data recovery or for a backup non-Windows operation systems.
Other features let you:
* Explore Disk Image and Extract Files/Folders
Display the contents of an existing disk image. Extract files and folders from a backup file.
* Verify Disk Image
Check a Disk Image integrity to ensure the data in the image can be read without errors.
* Compression
Several levels of compression are available for certain types of Disk Images.
* Password Protection
The Backup Disk Image can be protected by a password.
* Clone Disks
A sector by sector copy from one disk to another.
Active@ File Recovery utility allows you to recover data after deleting, formatting or a loss of partitions on a hard drive. It will also undelete files that was accidentally deleted or corrupted by disk failure.

Active Boot Disk Suite v5.3.3 Incl Serial
Download : | FileSonic | Easy-Share | DepositFiles |

Win7codecs 2.8.8

Win7codecs is an audio and video codec package for Windows 7. The installer will automatically remove most other popular codec releases from your computer before installing this concise yet comprehensive package. You won't need to make any adjustments or tweaks to enjoy your media content immediately. Windows Media Player and Media Center will instantly recognize all your files as playable.

It does not contain a media player and it does not associate file-types. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player, limited only by the players' capabilities, to play all movies and video clips. Streaming video is supported in several formats in all popular web browsers. Users of the Win7codecs have the ability to choose what is installed and where to install it using the public redistributable. After installation you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. You can also re-add the removed items at any time.  

Licence: Freeware.
Win7codecs 2.8.8
Download: Win7codecs 2.8.8 (20.2 MB)

Super Hide IP Final Incl Crack

Surf anonymously, change your IP address, protect your personal information against hackers and provide full encryption of your online activity, all with the click of a button.Protect your privacy on the Internet. Use Super Hide IP to surf anonymously, prevent hackers from monitoring your online activities or identity thieves from stealing your identity and other personal information, send anonymous email, and un-ban yourself from forums or restricted websites

Key Features
Anonymous Web Surfing
Click Hide IP button and you will be assigned fake IP addresses, preventing others from getting your true IP when surfing the Internet.
• Protect Your Identity
Surf anonymously to prevent hackers or identity thieves from monitoring your web activity or intercepting your personal information such as your financial information.
• Choose IP Country
You can select to use fake IP from different countries via “Choose IP Country” option and can Check IP directly.
• Send Anonymous E-mails
Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending emails via Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail.
• Un-ban Yourself from Forums and Restricted Websites
Use Super Hide IP to change your IP which allows you to access any forums or websites that has ever banned you.

Super Hide IP Final Incl Crack
Download : | FileSonic | Easy-Share | DepositFiles |

Miro 4.0 RC1 / 3.5.1 Stable

Miro 4.0 RC1 / 3.5.1 Stable
Miro lets you watch Internet videos like you watch TV. Download and watch all the best internet TV shows and videos in one powerful application. New channels arrive daily in the built-in Channel Guide. Stop squinting at tedious web videos-- sit back and watch big, high resolution videos one after another. It's so easy to use that you'll be watching interesting videos in moments.

Miro 4.0 RC1 / 3.5.1 Stable
Download: Miro 3.5.1 for Windows (23.2 MB)
Download: Miro 3.5.1 for Linux (12.7 MB)
Download: Miro 3.5.1 for Mac OS X (19.1 MB)

Download: Miro 4.0 RC1 Windows (30.21 MB)
Download: Miro 4.0 RC1 Linux (9.25 MB)
Download: Miro 4.0 RC1 MacOS (15.81 MB)

EditPad Lite 7.0.0

EditPad Lite is a general-purpose text editor, designed to be small and compact, yet offer all the functionality you expect from a basic text editor. EditPad Lite works with Windows NT4, 98, 2000, ME, XP and Vista.

Licence: Freeware.
EditPad Lite 7.0.0
Download: EditPad Lite 7.0.0 (3.14 MB)


Privatefirewall is a personal firewall and intrusion detection application that eliminates unauthorized access to your PC. It also constantly monitors the sensitive areas of a PC where intrusion can occur and reports on their status allowing users to take appropriate action. It is easy to install/use and provides reliable and high-performance protection right "out of the box". Its intuitive interfaces allow advanced users to easily adjust default settings to create custom configurations.  

Licence: Freeware.
Download: Privatefirewall (3.30 MB)

MediaCoder 2011 R5 5152 Final

MediaCoder is a free universal batch media transcoder, which nicely integrates most popular audio/video codecs and tools into an all-in-one solution. With a flexible and extendable architecture, new codecs and tools are added in constantly as well as supports for new devices. MediaCoder intends to be the swiss army knife for media transcoding in all time and at this moment, it already has millions of users from 170+ countries all over the planet.

MediaCoder is a front-end/GUI for a collection of audio/video command line utilities and dynamic libraries (including audio/Video codecs and multiplexers). MediaCoder maintains a unified parameter tree whose leaves (parameter values) can be altered through the application GUI, a web-based tree view, user interfaces for specific devices (e.g. PSP, iPhone) and conforming HTTP requests. It maps the parameter tree into command line options or calling parameters for various codecs and tools.

MediaCoder pipes the decoder's output into the encoder's input, rather than using temporary files. This allows it to convert large amounts of data without using excessive disk space.Some of the included utilities are also patched to add extra interfaces.

MediaCoder has a built-in media streaming server which can be used to stream out audio and video files through HTTP protocol. It is able to apply on-the-fly transcoding for both audio and video streaming with some of its supported audio and video codecs.

MediaCoder 2011 R5 5152 Final
Download: MediaCoder 2011 R5 5152 Final x86 (27.73 MB)
Download: MediaCoder 2011 R5 5152 Final x64 (28.87 MB)

Freemake Video Converter 2.2.0

Convert between video formats, rip DVD, convert to devices, burn DVD, create photo slideshows and music visualizations, cut, join, rotate and upload video, photos, music to YouTube with our free video converter.  

License: Freeware.
Freemake Video Converter 2.2.0
Download: Freemake Video Converter 2.2.0 (10.85 MB)

TuneUp Utilities 2011 v10.0.4010.20 Incl Crack

TuneUp Utilities 2011 v10.0.4010.20 Incl Crack
  • Optimize system: Get rid of those PC brakes and drop the dead weight in programs: for maximum speed whether working, surfing, or playing!
  • Gain disk space: Find and remove large resource hogs and annoying data trash to make your PC run even more efficiently.
  • Fix problems: Fix the most common Windows® problems, scan your hard disk and restore deleted files.
  • Customize Windows: Change the visual appearance of Windows® to match your style and safely modify over 400 Windows settings.
TuneUp Utilities 2011 v10.0.4010.20 Incl Crack
DownloadTuneUp Utilities 2011 v10.0.4010.20 Incl Crack | Mirror

PDF-XChange Pro v4.0.0195 Final Incl Serial

Tracker Software PDF-XChange Pro – all you need to create PDF-files from almost any program for Windows, which can print documents. Formatting and view PDF-documents will exactly match the original. You can also add notes, watermarks, use the flexibility to configure and optimize to get the smallest file, compared with similar programs, the file size without compromising quality. The program provides a utility for batch conversion of documents of Word, Excel and file formats that are supported by IE, as well as many others (DOC, RTF, TXT, XLS, HTML).

# World leading compression and optimization technology
# Includes PDF-XChange Viewer PRO and PDF-Tools PDF wizard application
# Create new PDF files from the output of any Windows application
# Complete Control over PDF creation properties
# Batched & “Watched” Folder Conversion to PDF of MS Office documents
# ISO PDF/A 1b format support for guaranteed long term archive standards support
# Create Interactive Adobe AcroForms (using converted MS Word Web forms via Toolbar Add-in)
# Document Security – Password Protection &Permission options
# Optimization/Compression Controls
# Advanced Memory Management
# Convert Image files to PDF (Raster/Metafile Imgae Formats)
# Convert PDF to Image Formats (Raster Formats only – BMP, JPEG, TIFF, etc.)
# Append/Prepend Pages from one PDF file into another PDF file
# Comprehensive Job Management Features
# Extended functionality provided for MS Office integration – via the Toolbar Add-in
# Scan Direct to PDF
# Convert Images and Text to PDF without the use of third-party applications
# Manipulate and Modify Exisiting PDF files
# Extract Content from PDF to Text/Image/PDF formats
# Add/Edit/Modify Bookmarks
# Convert PDF to .DOC & .RTF (no OCR capabilities)
# Extract PDF pages to a new PDF file
# Split/Merge PDF files
# Delete/Crop/Rotate PDF pages
# Re-Order Pages within a PDF file
# Paper Settings & Custom Forms options
# Control Resolution/Scaling
# Mirrored Printing support
# Include ‘clickable” URL links – literal (eg. &
# Include ‘clickable’ URL links – embedded (eg. Click Here & Send Email)
# Convert MS Office Table of Contents(TOC) ‘Clickable’ links to PDF
# n-UP Printing mode – automatically mounts and rescales pages to a single page and calculates correct page positions etc.
# Enhanced visual layout previewer allow you to resize pages via the printer preferences
# Brochure/Booklet Mode print output
# Flexible DPI output options 50 – 2400DPI available
# CJK fonts/character set support
# Add Watermarks or Overlay PDF pages to new PDF output – ideal for Company Stationery use.
# Auto Bookmark generation
# Auto Header/Footer generation
# Graphics Downsampling options(Linear, Bilinear, Bicubic) also Colour ->Grayscale->Mono options
# Extended Font embedding options
# Profiles – create specific printer preferences and save to Profiles for future use.
# MAPI/SMTP Automated Email integration options
# Developers API available(subject to licensing)
# Multi-language UI support

PDF-XChange Pro v4.0.0195 Final Incl Serial
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PC Tools Firewall Plus

PC Tools Firewall Plus is a powerful personal firewall for Windows that protects your computer from intruders and controls the network traffic in and out of your PC. By monitoring applications that connect to the network Firewall Plus can stop Trojans, backdoors, keyloggers and other malware from damaging your computer and stealing your private information. PC Tools Firewall Plus is advanced technology designed specially for people, not experts. Powerful prevention against attacks and known exploits is activated by default and advanced users can also easily create their own packet filtering rules to customize the network defenses. All you need to do is install it for immediate and automatic ongoing protection. That’s why PC Tools Firewall Plus provides world-leading protection, backed by regular Smart Updates, OnGuard™ real-time protection and comprehensive network shielding to ensure your system remains safe and hacker free. PC Tools products are trusted and used by millions of people everyday to protect their home and business computers against online threats.  

License: Freeware.
PC Tools Firewall Plus
Download: PC Tools Firewall Plus (10.2 MB)

CyberLink PowerDVD 11 Ultra 11.0.1620.51

PowerDVD is the latest evolution of the world acclaimed DVD software program that offers maximum video and audio playback entertainment on the PC. It comes complete with numerous customizable video/audio controls that can deliver the highest quality viewing and listening experience. PowerDVD incorporates support for high-definition audio and video, true 8-channel home theater audio playback, virtual surround sound, as well as complete controls and extra features for DVD enthusiasts. PowerDVD 11 is the ultimate universal media player that extends your viewing experience beyond just movies on PCs. Play any media format from any device at home or on social networks, at enhanced HD and 3D quality, all with PowerDVD 11.

PowerDVD is the consumer’s favorite Blu-ray / DVD playback software, complemented by high- definition Dolby and DTS audio technologies. PowerDVD now converts 2D movies into 3D, plays an extensive range of video formats including MKV, FLV, 3GP, and makes movies social by sharing bookmark reviews and live comments. Experience PowerDVD – the best Blu-ray playback and DVD player software available today.
CyberLink’s most advanced movie and media player to date, PowerDVD 10 delivers 3D and HD movies on the PC. PowerDVD 10 is a unique universal player that offers the best playback quality available. Whether it is 3D movie content, captured home videos, or your digital music files, PowerDVD 10 lets you access them all from the same convenient player software, enhancing your experience in all kinds of new ways.

No.1 Movie Experience on the PC – Upgrade Your Media Experience to 3D & HD:

• Immerse in brilliant Blu-ray 3D playback with CPU/GPU acceleration and lossless HD audio
• Convert DVDs and videos into a magical 3D experience
• Play an extensive range of video formats, including MKV, FLV, 3GP, and more
• Make movies social by sharing bookmark reviews and live comments

Brilliant Blu-ray Movies
Experience Blu-ray movies the way that only PowerDVD 10 can offer: simply unbeatable quality. Optimized for the latest hardware acceleration technologies from Intel, NVIDIA and AMD, PowerDVD ensures smoother movie performance. PowerDVD 10 launches your Blu-ray movies up to 4X faster too.

Blu-ray 3D Movies
Seeing is believing the kind of life-like imagery that Blu-ray 3D* can deliver, and PowerDVD 10 brings it to life on your PC. Offering the best quality 3D movie experience possible, PowerDVD is compatible with the full range of 3D hardware on the market, including glasses, graphics cards, and monitors.

Upscale DVDs and Videos to HD
Enjoy better movie playback quality for both your DVDs and video files with TrueTheater™ HD upscaling technology. DVD and media player PowerDVD 10 lets you output to an HDTV in a quality that looks noticeably sharper and clearer. Optimization for hardware acceleration ensures even smoother results.

Play DVDs in 3D
3D movie player PowerDVD 10 takes you to new heights of visual excellence for standard DVD content. Featuring advanced TrueTheater™ 3D technology, PowerDVD converts 2D movies into a spectacular 3D experience. Optimize playback quality for your movie content and hardware.

Better Video Playback
With PowerDVD 10 home videos can be enhanced using TrueTheater™ Stabilizer and TrueTheater™ Noise Reduction to improve quality as you play. As a universal player, PowerDVD now plays even more formats, gives you access to online movie trailers via MoovieLive, and lets you upload files to YouTube.

Home Theater Music
Supporting the latest music library features of Windows 7, PowerDVD 10 makes it even easier to listen to music from the player you use to enjoy your movies. Create playlists of favorite tunes. Use TrueTheater™ Surround technology to optimize your audio for home theater and PC hardware. Sounds great!

High Definition Audio
3D and HD movie player PowerDVD 10 lets your ears enjoy the ultimate movie experience too, with support for high-definition audio formats from Dolby Digital and DTS. Support for HDMI 1.3a delivers the purity of lossless HD audio via a single convenient cable to your home theater system.

Movie Reviews and Live Comments
Create movie reviews that other users can read and play using PowerDVD 10. MovieMarks combine bookmarks and review comments and can be shared online via Meanwhile, Live Comments let you post your opinions to Facebook, Twitter and MoovieLive while your movie is playing.

CyberLink PowerDVD 11 Ultra 11.0.1620.51
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Duplicate Cleaner 2.0.6 Final

Find and delete duplicate files, mp3s, photos, old documents and much more. This fully featured, program will work at home or in a networked environment. Best of all Duplicate Cleaner is freeware, meaning you get the full program and it doesn't cost a thing!

* The fastest way to find duplicate files
* Award Winning
* Deep scan music formats - MP3, M4A, M4P, WMA, FLAC, OGG, APE, etc
* Delete, move or hard link duplicate files. Save disc space!
* Multiple language support.
* For Microsoft Windows 2000, XP, Vista, Win 7.
* This Duplicate File Cleaner is Freeware!

Licence: Freeware.
Duplicate Cleaner 2.0.6 Final
Download: Duplicate Cleaner 2.0.6 Final (2.78 MB)

ooVoo Final

ooVoo is a multi-user video chat application which supports up to 6 users simultaneously. You can also send and receive video messages and files to other ooVoo users and even send video messages to users who don't have the software installed. Currently in beta for Windows only (Mac version due any day now) it's the new way to communicate online.

With ooVoo, you can connect with anyone, anytime, with video calls, video messages, phone calls, text and more. Use ooVoo to get face time with people you can’t meet in person (and save travel time and money!). ooVoo makes life easier and more fun.  
Licence: Freeware.
Download: ooVoo Final (16.7 MB)

Ashampoo ClipFinder HD 2.18

Ashampoo ClipFinder HD 2.18
Ashampoo ClipFinder finds and immediately downloads videos from YouTube, VideU, MyVideo & ClipFish at the click of a mouse. After the picture and music files, now it's time for the videos. Online portals like,, and have long since become cult, they collect many funny and creative short videos. In the office and of course also in your everyday life in the meantime it is considered to be chic to call up the video portals for a short break and to start a couple of films to relax or for your own enjoyment.  

Ashampoo ClipFinder HD 2.18
Licence: Freeware.
Download: Ashampoo ClipFinder HD 2.18 (2.62 MB)

Process Explorer 14.12

Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded. The display consists of two sub-windows.

The top always shows a list of the currently active processes, including the names of their owning accounts, whereas the information displayed in the bottom window depends on the mode that it is in. The unique capabilities make it useful for tracking down DLL-version problems or handle leaks, and provide insight into the way Windows and applications work.  

License: Freeware.
Process Explorer 14.12

Download: Process Explorer 14.12 (1.75 MB)

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4.01

All the photo editing you really need. Instantly.

Many people buy big expensive camcorders but still shoot all their videos with their phone or point-and-shoot camera. Photo editing software is similar – you may have a powerful graphics editor but most of the time you'll find yourself using just a couple of functions. Ashampoo Photo Optimizer enables you to touch up your digital photos fast. Everything is so simple you never need to read a manual – after you point and shoot just click and go.

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer doesn't try to replace major graphics programs. It just gives you everything you need when you want results fast.

Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4.01
Download: Ashampoo Photo Optimizer 4.01 (11.24 MB)

YouTube Downloader 2.7.3

YouTube Downloader is software that allows you to download videos from YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video, and many others and convert them to other video formats. The program is easy to use, just specify the URL for the video you want to download and click the Ok button! It also allows you to convert downloaded videos for Ipod, Iphone, PSP, Cell Phone, Windows Media, XVid and MP3.

You can use YouTube Downloader to download the videos of your choice from home, at the office or in school.

Download YouTube Downloader now and get started downloading your favorite videos from YouTube.

BienneSoft guarantees that YouTube Downloader is 100% CLEAN, which means it does not contain any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors..  

Licence: Freeware.
YouTube Downloader 2.7.3
Download: YouTube Downloader 2.7.3 (2.95 MB)

Download Accelerator Plus (Freeware)

Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) 9.6 – The Most Popular Download Manager
Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) 9.6 is the world’s most popular download manager and accelerator with over 230 million installs worldwide. DAP accelerates your download speed so you can get all your favorite files, applications, and videos in the highest speeds. DAP features powerful file management tools letting you download with confidence and flexibility and manage your files. DAP is easy to use, working automatically with your web browser so you can keep downloading as you always have just way way faster.

With DAP 9.6 you can really take your download experience to the next level. Cool addons such as a downloader for YouTube, facebook and other video sites with just one click of a button, and at super fast speed, the revolutionary iTunes download acceleration that seamlessly uses SPEEDbit patented acceleration engine to dramatically cut down your waiting time when downloading from the iTunes store and the award winning video streaming acceleration engine that automatically kicks in when you watch videos from video streaming sites and make the annoying buffering stops and picture freezes go away, especially when watching HD videos.

DAP 9.6 supports all the latest browsers including Internet Explorer 9, Google Chrome 10, and Firefox 4. Downloading is safer as well thanks to innovative download security powered by SpeedBit’s Multi Antivirus (MAV) Analysis that lets you compare what the leading Antivirus programs have to say about the file you have just downloaded, before running it on your machine and exposing it to a great risk. DAP is now available in 42 languages, with translations provided by our loyal users from all over the world contributing to the SpeedBit Translation Wiki Project so that everyone around the world can enjoy SPEEDbit super fast speeds.

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